Apple Premium Reseller
In this Apple Premium Reseller you can find apple products and related accessories. It features a network of 9 physical stores spread across the country in shopping centers. The store located in Norteshopping, at the north of the country, is the one that presents the highest traffic and higher complexity in their services. Moviik, alongside the partner EDIGMA, was challenged to design a queue management system tailored to the needs of the brand and able to respond to multiple services. To resolve the problem, different system modules were installed.
The project has a physical ticket dispenser, a counter terminal and the player responsible for displaying the customer’s call. For the touch generation was also included the virtual ticket system, which allows the entire process to be online at the customers personal device, from getting the ticket to tracking the call. To control the customers flow and store occupancy, Moviik and Edigma also suggested and installed a People Counting sensor at the entrance, to ensure the rules are followed and more data is generated. The "brain" responsible for all efficient and effective flow management is the powerful Moviik platform.
Store employees and managers can now access full dashboards at any time which tell the story about the business service operations, and helps them make informed management decisions in real-time.
Problem – Control influx of visitors inside the stores during COVID-19 and organize customers per service after Covid-19.
Solution – Queueing and People Counting System to manage customers and organize multiple queues with both paper and virtual tickets.
Applications used:
- Virtual Ticket
- SMS Ticket
- Ticket Dispenser
- People Counting
- Player
- Counter Terminal
- Verticals – Retail