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    Paper Ticket

    A universal and inclusive way for customers to join a queue.

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How to use Paper Ticket 

Ticket Dispenser

Located in strategic places for visitors to enroll in the queue quickly and easily.

Choose your Service
Visitors can see and select from all available services.
Print a Ticket

Upon selecting a service, a ticket prints with a number corresponding to their turn.

Paper Tickets are essential

When customers arrive at stores, they have come to expect a system that manages service flow. This can be Digital and Physical. Paper tickets are the universal and default option.

Give visibility of all your services 

Customers that prefer this conventional method can get their tickets at a physical ticket dispenser. The options displayed and selected will help with screening your customers and organizing the queues.

Paper Ticket Design

Content printed on the Paper Ticket can be designed & customized in Backoffice with drag and drop tools to define the logo, service name, ticket tolerance, QR Codes, publicity,  and many more options.
Let's discuss your project

Bespoke & Flexible

Moviik Platform was created from the start to be highly flexible; You can customize everything to fit your needs. Ready for you to set up in minutes. 
Your Paper Ticket will be unique. 

Kiosks work for you

Ticket Dispensers print tickets all day long, helping you screen visitors and organize queues. Placed in key spots at your location, they enhance & accelerate the service flow.
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Kiosk Displays

Define and display the services you have to offer on your Ticket Dispenser. Configure it all in Backoffice.

Edit Layout 

Choose the ideal layout to have what is displayed on your Ticket Dispensers match your brand style.
You have the tools to customize the look and feel, color, priority, waiting time, number of people, etc.

Several tools to configure it all


Moviik supports 5 different multiple languages which you can display your services in, all defined in Backoffice.
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Paper Ticket software works great with our Kiosks 

Tiik 7''

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Tiik 15''

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Paper Ticket Advantages
Traditional & classic method
People from all ages can use it
Customizable design
Simple to configure
Applicable to all stores or branches
Easy to use

Industry Solutions

weimprove customer service on all major verticals

Alternatively or complementary to paper, go digital

Digital Ticket
WhatsApp Ticket
SMS Ticket

Book a Demo 

Choose the best day and time for you to book a free 30 minutes demo.
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