How to get started
Personalize your services
Choose how to serve customers. You can use the help of staff members to deliver complete customer journeys.
Register data about visitors
Register data about visitors
Your staff will register the customers data in your system with the help of the Concierge app.
Get closer to customers
This is a more personal and intimate way to make your customers feel welcomed with the help of your staff.
Why use Concierge app?
Personal check-in process
Staff enroll visitors in the queue. Customers and visitors will feel welcomed even if they didn’t book an appointment previously for their visit.
Calling the next customer
Customers are free from waiting in lines. Text them when their turn arrives. Display their names in a Player or send a WhatsApp or SMS message.
Clients fall in love with the brand
At the end of customer journeys, staff can ask for feedback to gather information about their experience.